Runs Everywhere

Enjoy browsing your photo collection with our intuitive Progressive Web App β€” whether it’s on a phone, tablet, or desktop computer. It provides a native app-like experience, and you can conveniently install it on the home screen of all major operating systems and mobile devices.

We recommend Docker for running your own server with our self-hosted community edition. It is available for Mac, Linux, and Windows. PhotoPrism also runs on DigitalOcean, Raspberry Pi, FreeBSD, and many NAS devices.

Runs Everywhere

Powerful Search

Easily find specific photos and videos using powerful search filters. Your pictures are automatically classified based on their content and location. Many more image properties like colors, chroma, and quality can be searched as well. Pictures marked as private, archived, or under review do not appear in regular search results.

Facial Recognition

Our latest version includes facial recognition that lets you find pictures of your family and friends. Be ready to discover long-forgotten shots! New faces are detected as you scan your library. They are then grouped by similarity, so you can quickly match them to people.

Maps & Places

The app includes four high-resolution world maps to bring back the memories of your favorite trips. Our privacy-preserving backend services provide worldwide location information to enrich your pictures with details such as state, city, and category.

Future releases will be able to use public event data to automatically create albums of popular music festivals or sporting events.

Maps & Places

Album Sharing

Secret links make it easy to share albums with your loved ones. You can create multiple links for each album and optionally set an expiration date. No additional apps need to be installed and no registration is required.

Broad File Format Support

PhotoPrism supports indexing, viewing, and converting most popular image, video and RAW formats, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, HEIF, HEIC, MP4, MOV, WebP, and WebM. Our goal is to provide top-notch support for all RAW images, regardless of camera make and model. A full list of file types and extensions can be found in our Knowledge Base.

For maximum browser compatibility, video codecs and containers supported by FFmpeg can be transcoded to MPEG-4 AVC on demand, just as still images can be extracted for thumbnail creation.

Advanced Metadata Extraction

Original media and sidecar files are scanned for Exif and XMP data as well as proprietary metadata, including Google Photos JSON. The combined information is normalized and merged.

Supported fields include Title, Description, Date, Location, Camera, Lens, ISO, F Number, Exposure, Focal Length, Subject, Artist, Keywords, and Copyright.

Advanced Metadata Extraction

Duplicate Detection

Exact duplicates are skipped when your library is scanned. Images that share a unique identifier, filename, or time and location can be automatically stacked together. Sidecar files are always stacked with the associated media file.

Backup & Sync

Use PhotoSync to securely backup iOS and Android phones in the background. WebDAV clients such as Microsoft's Windows Explorer and Apple's Finder can connect directly to PhotoPrism, allowing you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer as if they were local.

100% Privacy πŸ”’

Because PhotoPrism is 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services. Your data will also never be shared with Google, Amazon, Facebook, or Apple unless you intentionally upload files to one of their services.

Upcoming Features

Our Project Roadmap shows what is in progress and what features will be implemented next. You are invited to give ideas you like a thumbs-up, so we know what's most popular.

Community Essentials Plus PikaPods
Price FREE € 2.00 / mo from € 6.00 / mo from $ 6.50 / mo
Installation Self-Hosted Self-Hosted Self-Hosted Fully Managed
Help & Support Public Forums &
Community Chat
Public Forums &
Community Chat
Private Chat Provider
Storage Limit unlimited unlimited unlimited flexible
Instances unlimited personal use personal use flexible
Back Our Mission –
Full Data Ownership
Regular Updates
AGPL License – – –
Plus License
Docker Images –
Linux Packages –
Build from Source –
Invoice with VAT-ID – – –
Mobile Apps PWA & PhotoSync PWA & PhotoSync PWA & PhotoSync PWA & PhotoSync
Accessible over the Internet optional optional optional
Access Control
Account Roles Super Admin, Admin, Guest Super Admin, Admin, User, Viewer, Guest Super Admin, Admin, User, Viewer, Guest Super Admin, Admin, User, Viewer, Guest
Admin Web UI – –
CLI Commands –
Login with 2FA
App Passwords
Client Credentials
Session Monitoring
Hardened Security – –
Custom Rate Limits – – –
Single Sign-On (SSO) OpenID Connect OpenID Connect OpenID Connect –
Media Library
Keep Folder Structure
Duplicate Detection
Scheduled Indexing
Automatic Stacking
Automatic Organization optional optional optional optional
Supported File Formats
Maximum Resolution 900 MP 900 MP 900 MP 150 MP
RAW Images
Live Photos
Motion Photos
Animated GIFs
Vector Graphics – –
Metadata Compatibility
ICC Color Profiles
Exif Metadata
Google Photos
ExifTool JSON
YAML Sidecar Files
XMP Sidecar Files partially partially partially partially
Artificial Intelligence
Face Recognition
Image Classification
NSFW Detector
Powerful Filters
Fast Scrolling
Sort Results
Maps & Places
Interactive World Maps High-Resolution
Vector Map
3D Vector &
Satellite Maps
3D Vector &
Satellite Maps
3D Vector &
Satellite Maps
Reverse Geocoding Rate Limited No Request Limit &
Redundant API
No Request Limit &
Redundant API
No Request Limit &
Redundant API
Location Estimates
Location Updates –
Edit Metadata
Quality Review
Archive & Delete
Hide Private
Hide People
Batch Edit hourglass_top hourglass_top hourglass_top hourglass_top
WebDAV Upload
Download as ZIP
Album Links
File Links hourglass_top hourglass_top hourglass_top hourglass_top
Remote Access
WebDAV Server
Web Upload & Download
HTTPS optional optional optional
Domain Name optional optional optional
VPN optional optional optional –
Database Backups
Remote File Sync
YAML Sidecar Files
User Interface
Multiple Languages
Premium Themes
Advanced Settings
Advanced Security – – –
Mobile App (PWA)
Login Wallpaper
Legal Information
Social Preview
Video Transcoding –
Content Delivery Network (CDN) optional optional optional optional
Community Essentials Plus PikaPods
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