Filter Type Examples Notes
dist decimal dist:50 Distance to Position (km)
lat decimal lat:41.894043 GPS Position (Latitude)
lng decimal lng:-87.62448 GPS Position (Longitude)
chroma number chroma:70 Chroma (0-100)
diff number diff:-1 diff:2 Differential Perceptual Hash (000000-FFFFFF)
quality number quality:0 quality:3 Minimum quality score (1-7)
album string album:berlin Album UID or Name, supports * wildcards
albums string albums:"South Africa & Birds" Album Names (combinable with & and |)
alt string alt:300-500 GPS Altitude (m)
camera string camera:canon Camera Make/Model Name
category string category:airport Location Category
city string city:"Berlin" Location City (separate with |)
color string color:"red|blue" Color Name (purple, magenta, pink, red, orange, gold, yellow, lime, green, teal, cyan, blue, brown, white, grey, black) (separate with |)
country string country:"de|us" Location Country Code (separate with |)
day string day:3|13 Day of Month (1-31, separate with |)
f string f:2.8-4.5 Aperture (f-number)
face string face:PN6QO5INYTUSAATOFL43LL2ABAV5ACZG Face ID, yes, no, new, or kind
faces string faces:yes faces:3 Minimum number of Faces (yes = 1)
favorite string favorite:true favorite:false Finds images by favorite status
filename string filename:"2021/07/12345.jpg" File Name with path and extension (separate with |)
folder string folder:"*/2020" Path Name (separate with |), supports * wildcards
geo string geo:yes Finds pictures with or without coordinates
hash string hash:2fd4e1c67a2d SHA1 File Hash (separate with |)
id string id:123e4567-e89b-... Finds pictures by Exif UID, XMP Document ID or Instance ID
iso string iso:200-400 ISO Number (light sensitivity)
keywords string keywords:"sand&water" Keywords (combinable with & and |)
label string label:cat|dog Label Names (separate with |)
latlng string latlng:"name" GPS Bounding Box (Lat N, Lng E, Lat S, Lng W)
lens string lens:ef24 Lens Make/Model Name
mm string mm:28-35 Focal Length (35mm equivalent)
month string month:7|10 Month (1-12, separate with |)
mp string mp:3-6 Resolution in Megapixels (MP)
name string name:"IMG_9831-112*" File Name without path and extension (separate with |)
near string near:pqbcf5j446s0futy Finds nearby pictures (UID)
olc string olc:8FWCHX7W+ OLC Position (Open Location Code)
original string original:"IMG_9831-112*" Original file name of imported files (separate with |)
path string path:2020/Holiday Path Name (separate with |), supports * wildcards
people string people:"Jane & John" Subject Names (combinable with & and |)
person string person:"Jane Doe & John Doe" Subject Names, exact matches (combinable with & and |)
s2 string s2:4799e370ca54c8b9 S2 Position (Cell ID)
scan string scan:true scan:false Finds scanned photos and documents
state string state:"Baden-Württemberg" Location State (separate with |)
subject string subject:"Jane Doe & John Doe" Alias for person
subjects string subjects:"Jane & John" Alias for people
title string title:"Lake*" Title (separate with |)
type string type:raw Media Type (image, video, raw, live, animated); separate with |
uid string uid:pqbcf5j446s0futy Limits results to the specified internal unique IDs
year string year:1990|2003 Year (separate with |)
animated switch animated:yes Finds animations only
archived switch archived:yes Finds archived pictures
audio switch audio:yes Finds audio recordings only
document switch document:yes Finds documents only
error switch error:yes Finds pictures with errors
hidden switch hidden:yes Finds hidden pictures (broken or unsupported)
image switch image:yes Finds regular images only
landscape switch landscape:yes Finds pictures in landscape format
live switch live:yes Finds Live Photos and short videos
mono switch mono:yes Finds pictures with few or no colors
panorama switch panorama:yes Finds pictures with an aspect ratio > 1.9:1
photo switch photo:yes Excludes videos from search results
portrait switch portrait:yes Finds pictures in portrait format
primary switch primary:yes Finds primary JPEG files only
private switch private:yes Finds private pictures
public switch public:yes Excludes private pictures
raw switch raw:yes Finds RAW images only
review switch review:yes Finds pictures in review
square switch square:yes Finds images with an aspect ratio of 1:1
stack switch stack:yes Finds pictures with more than one media file
stackable switch stackable:yes Finds pictures that can be stacked with additional media files
unsorted switch unsorted:yes Finds pictures not in an album
unstacked switch unstacked:yes Finds pictures with a file that has been removed from a stack
vector switch vector:yes Finds vector graphics only
video switch video:yes Finds videos only
added timestamp added:"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" Finds pictures added at or after this time
after timestamp after:"2022-01-30" Finds pictures taken on or after this date
before timestamp before:"2022-01-30" Finds pictures taken on or before this date
edited timestamp edited:"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" Finds pictures edited at or after this time
taken timestamp taken:"2022-01-30" Finds pictures taken on the specified date
updated timestamp updated:"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" Finds pictures updated at or after this time

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